

Dermaplaning is a skin treatment that uses a specialized blade, similar to a surgical scalpel called a dermatome. It is designed to remove dead skin and hairs. Dermaplaning aims to give facial skin a smooth, youthful, and radiant appearance. As well as smoothing skin and removing “peach fuzz” proponents claim that dermaplaning can help with acne scars, dry skin, sun damaged skin, and fine wrinkles.

The continuous exposure of the top layer of skin to UV rays, environmental toxins, and irritants means that it may begin to appear dull. Dermaplaning removes the top layer of skin to reveal newer skin cells that may make a person’s skin appear smoother and glowing. A person will require no downtime. You do not need to take time off your work and you may be able to fit your treatment session in during your lunch break or along with your facial. A person can do dermaplaning as frequently as every 2 weeks.

Dermaplaning provides several potential benefits, all of which are cosmetic. There are no medical reasons to get dermaplaning treatment. People interested in dermaplaning are often looking to achieve a more youthful look by removing dead skin, small hairs, and minor imperfections in their complexion.

- Reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, acne scarring, or sun damaged
- Restoring a youthful glow to the skin
- Removing small hairs that can hold onto oil and debris
